Saturday, May 9, 2009

book review: Skinny Bitch

So remember a few posts back I blogged about the book Skinny Bitch? Well I went out to get it and have discovered it's pretty much everything I know! But it is indeed really convincing to get off your ass and eat healthy. They make you grossed out about the processes that you wouldn't think that food goes through. Basically though, in order to be a skinny bitch is to be a vegan. So that means not beef, pork, chicken, eggs, dairy. They are saying to get all your nutrition from all natural all organic foods and soy products. You can't even drink coffee with soy, but rather green tea. AH. I kinda started today I mean I think I'm going to take things step by step, but overall I'm pretty healthy. If you are in need to get that beach body, read the book. I don't know if I would buy it. Basically it is common sense and they say so in the book! The two on the left are the skinny bitches who wrote the book. <3

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