Wednesday, March 11, 2009

how fast is too fast?

How do we really know how fast is too fast? I'm asking you, because really, I have no clue. Getting deeper and deeper in a relationship is determined at your own pace, but it's hard not to get really caught up in one another. I think it also depends on the passion in the relationship. To others, your relationship may be too fast, but to you the world is spinning and no one else is in it. So who really knows? I think as long as you're comfortable with what you guys are, everything will be okay. Right? I don't really know myself and I'm trying to determine it for myself. I hate those girls who completely ditch their friends for boyfriends as they get more caught up in a relationship. I just think it's a bad thing to do because I've been at the other end of it and its not fun. Yet at the same time, you true friends would understand right?! This situation just gets that much more complicated. So as long as you are sane and find Mr. Right, I think it's okay to fall in love. No matter how fast or slow. <3

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