Sunday, April 26, 2009

the new thing: flirt texting

Some boys just aren't good on the phone. Especially when it comes to the beginning stages of dating, aka the chase. Plus texting always keeps us entertained, gives us a reason to be doing something else and lets us think about what to say before we say it! Debra and Olivia wrote a book called Flirtexting to make a user friendly guide for ladies who need help in this area of sending a flirty message to that sexy man you want.

Here are some of their tips:

1. Leave an Option Out: If you want to see your latest crush on Friday night- don’t text “I’m going to the movies on Friday night, do you want to go?” The point is, you probably want to see him more than the movie! So instead say that you’re “thinking about catching a flick” and see if he’s interested. Maybe he’ll offer up seats to the Britney comeback tour instead.

2. DO NOT follow up a flirtext with “did you get my text” if he hasn’t responded.

3. If he texts “What are you up to tonight” don’t respond with “nothing” hoping that he’ll suggest hanging out. Try the gustier approach “You tell me” which will send him thinking and blushing.

4. Not that into a guy? Try calling him “pal, sport, buddy, or dude” and he’ll surely get the point.

Hehe sounds like a cute quick read! <3>

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