Sunday, January 11, 2009


I ended up going to a local club last night for my friend's birthday. Well, I was supposed to go to dinner first but totally forgot that I had a staff meeting. Just my luck, it ended up being a super long meeting til 8 and we had started at 6.30. Lovely. Anyways, I ended up making it to the lounge, and we headed to the club. I don't know. One of the guys came and he was acting really couply with me. I don't know what to do. I'm so not a couply person but he kept holding my hand and holding me. It was wierd. Good thing I was tipsy. Nothing crazy went down but I just have to see him at school and everything and I just don't know how I feel about this whole thing. I think I may be liking the other guy because he's starting to pay less attention to me. I'm so wierd. It's like a dumb game for me with the one who stops paying me attention when what I have right in front of me is perfectly good. I don't know. I'm sooo lost in relationships right now. I think I just need to have some space but ofcourse guys just don't understand that because girls generally like a boy all over them. Haha so much for my playing it like a guy plan. I've just confused myself. <3

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