Saturday, July 19, 2008

boys boys boys

There are so many signals from good looking guys showing their attraction towards me and how they want to get to know me. Yet, my bitch attitude comes out and flat out I don't care. Why is that? Just walking down the street to a club you'll get cat calls or a guy trying to talk to you walking right in your path. My answer to that? "eff off!" I'm pretty ruthless about it but honestly I'll get what I want and you'd know it. If you don't.. please don't bother.

When boys call or text too much it becomes irritating. When they want to date and take me out, I don't want to. What's the deal with that?! I feel as if that I'm not being attracted to the right guys. Instead, I'm picking the alright looking guys who don't call or text me as much as I'd like, and I'm complaining about it when there's a guy who's great looking and texting and calling me constantly. It's so twisted. It's really true. You want what you can't have. It's so irritating. How does too much attention turn negative? It just becomes flat out irritating and it's like don't you have something else to do? Grr, I don't even know how to explain it. Am I just falling for the wrong guy, or am I just that desperate for the chase? <3

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