Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the china doll closet

Inside my closet! (consider yourself lucky)

A closer look at the pretty organized garments
Yay me! Today I went through all my clothes and sorted through the ones I want and don't want. I usually pass them down to my sister and give the remainder to charity. My closet was looking ever so nasty with piles of clothes on the floor. Ugh. It took me 1.5 hours to clean? My closet is sacred.. I wish I had a bigger one though. I hate people come in and totally mess it up. I'll instantly be able to tell if any item is touched. I'm so anal that way.

Anyhow, my nephew assisted me. Everything is colour coordinated from the colors of the rainbow and there is a system to it. From the left there are tank tops and casual every day tops, then going out tops, then tube tops then t-shirts. Next it goes onto casual dresses, semi-casual dresses, semi-formal dresses then dressy dresses. Then my kabillion sweaters, cardigans, basically everything you wear when you're cold or need to cover up including blazers at the end. Then it's just my winter snowboarding gear and what not tucked into the corner. I know it doesn't look that clean but it looked like a rats nest before. I took out everything I need to iron and wash so that's not even all my clothing there hanging in my closet. My jeans are piled above as you can see next to my millions of purses. On the floor I have belts and scarves in boxes, and the intimates and socks in container/baskets! In the bags are all my winter hats/toques/gloves etc. and swim suits in another! Ahh.. it feels like you know me inside out now. <3

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